1. Exhibitors

1.1 Complete the form and submit it on or before the deadline date (3 working days after selection of stand location). The Organizers reserve the right to decline applications received beyond the stated deadline. Upon receipt, applications will be examined to determine whether they satisfy the requirements for the exhibition.

1.2 Organizers may request application to provide additional documents to further validate their suitability. Organizers reserve the right to accept or reject an application. The organizers reserves the right to cancel or rescind the booking of an exhibitor or ban an exhibitor from displaying products and service found to be objectionable for any reasons specified in the conditions which may be disclosed to the exhibitor. The exhibitor in question is liable to bear all the costs involved including booking charges.

2. Exhibits

2.1 The participant shall not exhibit any publicity material, whether in printed or visual form that is contrary to the teachings and tenets of Islam. An exhibitor will not be allowed to display any obscene or visual or any other medium that blatantly infringe

2.2 Qatari laws.

3. Payments

3.1 Applicants should pay fifty (%50) in advance upon the submission of application form and fifty (%50) balance must be completed 60 Days before the event.The payment should be made along with the application and should be made in favor of this account:


BANK NAME qatar islamic bank
ACCOUNT NAME Dar Al Sharq Media Management
ACCOUNT NUMBER 0111920130018
IBAN QA14 QISB000000000 111920130018
BANK ADDRESS P.O.Box: 559 Grand Hammad Street, Doha - Qatar
BANK TEL +974-44409409
swift code QISBQAQA

4. Space Reservation

4.1 The organizers are the sole party to decide on matters pertaining to exhibitor admittance, such decisions are made unilaterally with applicants having no recourse to appeal. Once stand allocations have been decided, the organizer shall notify the exhibitors of stand and remit the exhibitor's

4.2 document, including an invoice for the remaining stand fees which must be paid by the exhibitor without delay, so that the stand can be occupied.

5. Cancellation Policy

5.1 Should applicants renounce the right to occupy the space that was requested after definitive registration, they will be liable to pay the organizer the full rental fee, with applicants having no recourse to appeal. Should stands considered as preferential sites be left open after allocation owing to withdrawal or inability to attend,

5.2 the management of the exhibition shall proceed to allocate such spaces in accordance with the criteria mentioned.

5.3 known to have infringed any regulations as set forth in the conditions for participation or any other dispositions employed for this exhibition in particular. Termination of the contract immediately and close the exhibitor's stand if exhibited products do not generally correspond to the appropriate section, with the subsequent loss of all amounts paid by the exhibitor.

5.4 Authorization to remove the merchandise from the trade hall shall be granted by the management only after the exhibitor has paid all exhibition fees in full.

6. Stand Installation, Assembly and Removal

6.1 Exhibitors using Shell Scheme Stands are obliged to respect the limits indicated by the metal profiles of the stand structure, as well as the standard lettering on the fascia, and shall not be allowed to place objects outside the limits of their stands, particularly in aisles, without previous authorization from the organizers.

6.2 During the stand installation or assembly, all instructions set forth in this section and any other rules or regulations concerning stand assembly or removal issued at any time during the exhibition, must be observed in full.

6.3 In case where exhibitors do not comply with instructions concerning the removal of merchandise or accessories from their stands or the removal of installations assembled at their request in a period of three days from the date of closure, the organizers shall proceed to remove any such goods or installations and leave them in deposit. The exhibitor in question will incur all costs deriving there from. In such cases, the organizers shall not be held responsible for losses, damages or destruction by fire in respect of such goods or materials.

7. Safety and Security

7.1 Exhibition of products that may conceivably endanger visitors, trade personnel or exhibitors is strictly prohibited

7.2 The organizer reserves the right to inspect an exhibitor's installation at any time, in the presence of its staff or authorized personnel and must be acted upon immediately and with no recourse or possible appeal.

7.3 The organizers shall be entitled at any moment to ask an exhibitor to take any of their personnel off the premises in case of their conduct being considered inappropriate or unbecoming.

8. Logistics

8.1 Logistics inside the venue will be handled through the Organizers for safety purposes. Meanwhile, logistics & handling fees will be bear by the participants.

8.2 Any shipments for the exhibition will be handled by the official logistics agent with corresponding fees.

9. Force Majeure

9.1 Both parties are bound in case of any cancellation or delaying for any reason out of Organizer's will, no amount is refundable and no right to request any other payment for any immaterial damages.

Important Note:

Any promises made by the 'THIRD-PARTY AGENT' towards their client, such as discounts, extra spaces or special negotiations will be the sole responsibility of the Agent.

We have read and confirmed the instructions, rules and conditions stipulated above. We likewise agree to pay the total fees comprising the rental charges of the space booked and our desired space area. This application is binding once accepted by the organizers.